Promoting improvements in the quality of healthcare to South Asians across the UK

we've developed a range of resources to help in promoting good health  





Speaker Expense Travel Policy

This policy applies to all speakers at the South Asian Health Foundation Conference/Events seeing reimbursement for travel relating to their attendance to the Conference/Event.

Policy is available here




Below are a selection of resources for both the public and healthcare professionals:


Lung cancer can develop quickly, and early diagnosis can save lives.

If you do notice anything has changed in your health, please see your GP Practice.

Your NHS is here and wants to see you; Help Us Help You. Visit


EASD e-Learning: Diabetes and Ramadan

Using practical case studies and international guidelines, this course introduces you to treating people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes before, during and after Ramadan.


EASD e-Learning: Diabetes and the Hajj

Hajj, the world’s oldest and largest mass gathering, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. This course considers it in a clinical context, examining how people with diabetes can be supported to perform the rites safely.



Below are a selection of our recent publications for both the public and healthcare professionals:

How to manage diabetes during Ramadan

Guidance for Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) – Diabetes Medication Management During Ramadan. South Asian Health Foundation and A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL have created this booklet as an educational resource for health care professionals.



This review provides an overview of evidence on the long-term impacts of COVID-19, and of the disruption to healthcare and economic systems. It also makes much needed recommendations on how best to manage this impact for ethnic minority populations in the short and medium term.

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Guidelines for Managing Diabetes during Ramadan: 2020 Update 

People with diabetes observing the practice of fasts are at a higher risk of complications such as hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia and ketoacidosis due to changes in physiological parameters such as eating patterns and circadian rhythms. Based on the recent evidence, the South Asian Health Foundation (UK) recommends clear guiding principles for appropriate management of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus during Ramadan. 

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Coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, collectively cardiovascular disease (CVD), are caused by narrowing and blockage of the arteries supplying the heart and brain, respectively. In type 2 diabetes (DM2) insulin is insufficient to maintain normal blood glucose. South Asians have high susceptibility to these diseases. Drawing upon the scientific literature and discussions with 22 internationally recognized scholars, this book focuses on causal explanations and their implications for prevention and research.


Carbs & Cals World Foods

The team behind the #1 bestselling Carbs & Cals health books have created the first carb awareness guide targeted specifically at Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. The new book is expected to improve health outcomes, as it uses the same tried-and-tested visual method pioneered by Carbs & Cals, which has revolutionised carb counting for people with diabetes over the last 10 years



Three page editorial from the South Asian Health Foundation in the Asian Voice regarding heart disease, diabetes and depression, and how these conditions affect South Asians. For the full publication click here


Ramadan: Diabetes and fasting toolkit for Pharmacists

Pharmacists play an essential role in supporting patients with long-term conditions and advising them on the safe and effective use of their medicines. This toolkit is designed to help you understand the key elements of Ramadan and fasting in order to support patients with diabetes. 

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NEW Fasting with Diabetes during Ramadan

This revised leaflet provides some tips on preparing for Ramadan for those with Type 2 Diabetes. Those who are unsure about fasting should always seek advice from your healthcare professional.


Tips to prevent type 2 diabetes in South Asians


South Asian people are up to 4 times more likely to get diabetes. Diabetes can cause early death and problems such as kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and blindness. It can be prevented in 80% of people.


Diabetes UK and South Asian Health Foundation recommendations on diabetes research priorities for British South Asians

Diabetes UK and SAHF have worked together on this review, whose principal purpose is to highlight the gaps in our understanding of diabetes in the UK-based South Asian population as well as to identify recommendations and priorities for future research areas. It is the intention that this review should be used by funding agencies that support research and also as a point of reference and information for the research community.


Type 2 diabetes in the UK South Asian population: An update from the South Asian Health Foundation

This document, which is intended for all healthcare professionals with an interest in diabetes, aims to provide a brief overview of what is known about type 2 diabetes in this important sub-population of the UK and, where appropriate, to recommend how treatment decisions might be optimised.


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